How to Train An Doodle Puppy
There’s a method to my Lowe’s madness. I stopped walking and put this 15 week old trainee in a Sit/Wait because I saw something he...

Why Crate Training Is Important For Your Puppy
“I would never lock my dog up in a crate, it’s so cruel and he hates it.” Wrong! I cringe when I hear this. Do these puppies look...

Why We Don't Do Dog Parks
Perhaps not a popular opinion, but here it is: we don’t do Dog Park. We don’t like Dog Park. We avoid Dog Park. There, I said it. Y’all...

Puppy Walks and Puppy Baths: 4 Surprising Reasons They're So Important In Your Puppy's Life
This is BusyBee. Bee is indeed busy - her family named her with intent and accuracy. Bee and brother Toby are about halfway through...