Why We Don't Do Dog Parks
Perhaps not a popular opinion, but here it is: we don’t do Dog Park. We don’t like Dog Park. We avoid Dog Park. There, I said it. Y’all...
Puppy Walks and Puppy Baths: 4 Surprising Reasons They're So Important In Your Puppy's Life
This is BusyBee. Bee is indeed busy - her family named her with intent and accuracy. Bee and brother Toby are about halfway through...
Children and Puppies Make a Great Combination
Gonzo’s first day with his new family, and he’s making himself right at home. Children are BETTER with puppies, y’all. Dr Carmen...
How To Fly Confidently and Safely With Your New Goldendoodle, Aussiedoodle, or Sheepadoodle Puppy
We won’t fly our puppies cargo - entirely too much can go wrong, it’s just not worth the risk. It’s in-cabin travel only for Golden...